What Are The Benefits of CBD?

Sometimes referred to as a cure-all for severe disease, and at other times referred to as a completely ineffective snake oil, CBD has had many benefits attributed to its name since first appearing on the shelves of health stores worldwide.

Although sensational, both of the previous statements are untrue. CBD is not a cure-all, nor is it an ineffective snake oil. Rather, scientific studies have suggested CBD supplementation may be beneficial in certain areas which include anxiety, pain, sleep, stress and inflammation, with new areas of application emerging regularly.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of CBD and the science behind how this miraculous compound works.

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Benefits of CBD For Anxiety

CBD's anti-anxiety properties were first demonstrated in 1982. Since then, numerous scientific studies have highlighted the potential of CBD for the management of anxiety disorders.

Want to learn more about CBD and anxiety? Check out some of our articles below:

Does CBD Help Anxiety?

Does CBD Help Public Speaking Anxiety?

Benefits of CBD For Sleep

Although not as conclusive as the research on CBD and anxiety, a small number of scientific studies suggest CBD may be useful for people who suffer with poor sleep.

Click on the link below to learn more about the science surrounding CBD and sleep and to explore case studies of people who are using CBD succesfully to support their sleep.

Does CBD Improve Sleep Quality?

Benefits of CBD for Pain

CBD may be a useful tool in pain management, with early studies showing positive results in back pain and fibromyalgia patients. Alongside its therapeutic potential, CBD has also been shown to reduce the muscle soreness experienced after exercise.

Read our articles below to discover more.

Does CBD Help Back Pain?

Does CBD Help With DOMS?

Does CBD Help Fibromyalgia?

How Does CBD Work?

CBD works by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system.

Read the article to learn more about how CBD interracts with your body.